
Excelsior Primary and High School is a public school located in Northcrest Township in Mthatha, Eastern Cape Establish in 1972. In 2014 there were 1189 registered learners, including 70 Grade R learners. We aim to educate our learners to become part of the workforce in South Africa and beyond. We also inculcate good moral values in our learners for them to become better citizens and role models in society. We continue to feed the South African labour market and the global community as a whole with a quality standard of pupils and we impart good work ethics in them as we believe that every learner has an inherent capability to acheive.

Our teachers are qualified, experienced, offer valuable continuity, share a strong value system, and are achievement-oriented, academic preparation is reflected in the great success of past pupils at tertiary level.


To be a world class school and promote a sustainable, holistic learning environment which encourages a culture of leadership and sense of community.


To be a school where the learners are comprehensively prepared morally, socially, intellectually and technologically, to face the increasingly diverse demands of the world.

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